Where To Buy Discount Gift Cards

Discount gift cards are a great way to save some dough on your favorite brands. In fact, savings can range anywhere between 1% to 72% of the card’s value. But with multiple companies that sell discount gift cards, how do you know where to find the best deal?

Where To Purchase Gift Cards At A Discount
Gift Card Granny searches sites and lists thousands of discount gift cards from trusted sellers. With the capability to compare the value, price and savings, Granny can help you find the gift card that fits your need.

Granny Tip: Create gift card alerts and receive email notifications whenever Granny finds a great discount for your favorite stores. Get started today by creating a free Granny account.

Additionally, Gift Card Granny only lists inventory from trusted sellers who offer a money-back guarantee. Why is this necessary? There is the possibility of potentially purchasing a fraudulent gift card. Luckily, sellers listed on Gift Card Granny must abide by specific guidelines that help protect you and your purchase. Granny also asks for customer feedback, ensuring the sellers stay true to the consumer protection standards that are put in place.

Tips When Purchasing Discount Gift Cards
Use these three best practice tips for purchasing discount gift cards.

  1. Shop with Granny Rewards Partners; esteemed sellers that work closely with Granny.
  2. Look for whole dollar amount gift cards. Discount gift cards with a balance ending in .00 are less likely to be fraudulent as they were probably never used. Best practice is to stick to dollar amount values that end in 0 or 5 such as $50, $75, etc.
  3. Verify the balance after receiving your gift card. Attempt to use a gift card with a $0 balance is frustrating. Prevent this by checking the balance on your gift card before going to the store. Be sure to know the time limitations on the money-back guarantees offered by sellers.